Sunday, December 19, 2010

Technical Difficulties.

I know a lot of creative people.  They typically use Macintosh computers, and software written specifically for the Macs.

I'm different in that I grew up with computers writing my own software, maintaining them and such, so I am pretty much a tech head.  That I why I always use a PC.  Even though the technical issues surrounding PCs can be a headache, I love the idea of being able to fix it and keep my projects going.

No offense to the creative types, but they just don't seem to have that tech mentality. 

So, what I am doing today is reinstalling the operating system on my laptop PC, and reinstalling all my creative software, including Ableton Live 8.  It's a long process, will probably take me a couple of days before all my good software is completely installed and running smoothly. 

I'm unsure of the reason that Ableton crashed on my laptop, but I think it had a lot to do with screwing around with some settings, and what not.  I also know it has a lot to do with the fact that the laptop is currently running Vista...Ick. 

For Christmas, I hope to get Windows 7.  I am of the understanding that it is a much more stable operating system, and the version that I should be getting should have no trouble running all my software that I had on the awesomely stable XP machine.

A little about my tech mentality.  It seems to be an influence in my choice of musical style.  I primarily write electronic sounds, and occasionally add in the bass or guitar.

Well, nuff said for today.

Have a great day!!


1 comment:

  1. This was my point of view when I was "forced" to get a Mac in ’97. I quickly discovered I was wrong (and was quite shocked). Over the years I ran several FankenMacs that had no actual Apple or Digidesign approved parts in them. Now I stick with the Apple hardware offerings because I can’t be bothered to get into all that and can’t see an advantage. On the other hand, with OS X the software is much more open than it was with OS 9 and I do explore that part. Every bit of my machines is customized and tweaked. I also have my old G5 running Unbutu Linux.

    In ’97 I thought the Mac would be my work computer and I would use my "real" computers for real computing. Actually I never touched them again and have never bought another generic PC (though I’ve been tempted to for Linux).

    It also helps that I don’t know anyone (literally) besides my mom who doesn’t have a Mac. I often forget and am surprised how many people use Windows, since it’s not a part of my life.

